
Batting and Fielding for Accrington Third XI in 2003

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
SPS Crabtree1010125775*28.55 025 
GL Sneddon99321791*36.16 021 
A Thompson109019175  21.22 012 
AM Greenwood1212015930  13.25 002 
S Heap44214192  70.50 013 
S Hussain10909631  10.66 003 
RC Williams121116314  6.30 00121
L Dewhurst2214633*46.00 000 
W Ahmed7614024*8.00 001 
R Burrows1103737  37.00 002 
SJ Hanson5313625*18.00 001 
A Donnelly11743321*11.00 001 
D Kennedy8513115  7.75 002 
S Hudson3312921*14.50 000 
MP Donnelly4402818  7.00 001 
JE Hayhurst1112828* 000 
Imran Hussain1102525  25.00 000 
Zaed Hussain1102222  22.00 000 
S Sadiq421159*15.00 001 
JM Ormerod54052  1.25 000 
D Cronshaw52100*0.00 000 
MA Williams10      1 
S Eaton20      0 

The Club

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