
Batting and Fielding for Accrington Fourth XI in 1997

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
M Donnelly1413228762*26.09 015 
NC Stockley1413428558  31.66 021 
M Shah1814324854  22.54 011 
D Pickering109015861  17.55 012 
M Demaine1310014845  14.80 002 
A Burrows1410114045  15.55 001 
N Mohammed129311435  19.00 001 
P Burrows141029224  11.50 0061
M Booth10929227  13.14 001 
M Ashton2216345  63.00 000 
T Pendergast17966126*20.33 001 
D Stubbs12604119  6.83 006 
Imran Hussain16732312*5.75 002 
JE Hayhurst421139*13.00 001 
M Young852128  4.00 002 
A Barnes64095  2.25 0010 
M Pilkington11055  5.00 000 
A Sadiq22143*4.00 000 
Kamran Khan11033  3.00 000 
RP Swanney43000  0.00 000 
T Cronshaw31000  0.00 000 

The Club

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