
Batting and Fielding for Accrington Third XI in 1987

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
M Demaine1414239789*33.08 022 
D Whittam1414025341  18.07 004 
PA Barratt98321347  42.60 004 
J Whitworth1413313838  13.80 003 
G Davies66110244  20.40 001 
MJ Whittle4409864  24.50 011 
N Bradley10909360  10.33 011 
M Johnson3308342  27.66 001 
P Schofield7717228  12.00 006 
N Holmes10906618  7.33 002 
W Rawstron2206133  30.50 002 
N Barnes1115252* 010 
DW Clarke11844313*10.75 002 
R Barnes5413419  11.33 003 
J Stevenson2203025  15.00 000 
M Demaine2202623  13.00 005 
M Greenhalgh10642011*10.00 000 
SG Birtwistle772198*3.80 001 
I Persechino2211711  17.00 000 
P Burrows2211712*17.00 000 
L Dewhurst1101616  16.00 000 
N Ingham2201111  5.50 000 
I Johnson11044  4.00 000 
NC Stockley11044  4.00 000 
V Woods11022  2.00 000 
D Barratt11022  2.00 000 
T Caldecott21111* 000 
S Bray10      2 

The Club

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