
Batting and Fielding for Accrington Second XI in 1985

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
N Barnes3217063*70.00 011 
G Hayhurst1918157477  33.76 048 
M Demaine1715628256  31.33 0211 
GD Lloyd87020853  29.71 015 
A Kennedy1313231264*28.36 031 
R Barnes1102626  26.00 001 
PJ West1010022268  22.20 011 
M Johnson2020137272*19.57 034 
DM Warburton191279338  18.60 004 
MJ Whittle2017322253  15.85 014 
A Gallagher11837722  15.40 002 
M Donnelly2117221049  14.00 0015 
L Dewhurst11099  9.00 001 
M Saulle31099  9.00 001 
M Demaine4403020  7.50 002 
S Bray15841610  4.00 00155
M Stevenson661156  3.00 000 
T Caldecott17821615*2.66 007 
A Stevenson11000  0.00 001 

The Club

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