
Batting and Fielding for Accrington Third XI in 1973

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
G Davies2204732  23.50 000 
N Stafford1102828  28.00 000 
PS Graham3302612  8.66 0001
S Blunt3312210  11.00 000 
J Winterbottom3302111  7.00 001 
A Ormerod2201311  6.50 001 
R Greenwood2201313  6.50 002 
P Woods220129  6.00 001 
B Bishop1111111* 001 
R Rigby22086  4.00 000 
J Swanney11077  7.00 000 
T Hatch22064  3.00 001 
P Clark33153*2.50 002 
J Rishton22054  2.50 002 
D Kennedy21055  5.00 002 
N Gouldsbrough22132  3.00 000 
J Jopson11033  3.00 0002
S Gooden11033  3.00 000 
M Wilson11111* 000 
M Donnelly21011  1.00 001 
DJ Parsons21011  1.00 001 
C Houlahan33000  0.00 001 

The Club

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