
Batting and Fielding for Accrington Second XI in 1959

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
JN Hope77112041  20.00 000 
J Foulkes99111623  14.50 002 
L Carter87010246  14.57 003 
K Sagar8728852*17.60 012 
J Bradshaw6618250  16.40 011 
N Richardson5515329  13.25 004 
RF Cuddihy1104949  49.00 000 
C Sutcliffe8804415  5.50 002 
JM Welbourne5503718  7.40 001 
R Allen7513327*8.25 0061
R Barnes4403014  7.50 001 
W Haworth4302621  8.66 000 
B Sutcliffe1102626  26.00 000 
JR Hartley2112323* 000 
D Todd2212222*22.00 002 
B Rutter860198  3.16 003 
J Hickson1072146  2.80 001 
S Johnson2201212  6.00 001 
C Hartley1111111* 001 
J Richardson11077  7.00 000 
P Hargreaves11066  6.00 000 
B Hoyle22155  5.00 000 
W Wilcock11033  3.00 000 
E Robinson11022  2.00 000 
AL Dewhurst11111* 000 
C Vickery33200*0.00 000 
R Hartley10      0 

The Club

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