Accrington Cricket Club

Working Party Meeting

Thursday February 12th 2004
Present: Adam Barnes, Richard Burrows, Mark Croasdale, Keith Hindley, Phil Hodson, Jimmy Hayhurst, Rod Kenyon, Marion Ormerod, Nigel Stockley.
Ian Wilson, Zaed Hussain

The main points to arise from the meeting were:

Dinner tickets are selling but we need to have a better idea of numbers by the next meeting.

More raffle prizes are needed.

Keith has copies of the Sponsorship letter and Richard has copies of the Standing Order form courtesy of Mark.

The match sponsor will be changing his match due to holidays.

Concern was voiced over the break-ins and the cost that the club is incurring through this.

A sub committee is to be formed for Family Fun Day with Marion, Phil and Mark joining forces with three members of the Junior Committee.

Other fund raising functions will be need to achieve break even point.

Ideas: Sponsored Walk, raffle, match with touring team.

Race Night needs advertising in the local press and on the website. Nigel to sort.

Next meeting Thursday February 26th 2004 at 7.45pm.

The Club