Accrington Cricket Club

Working Party Meeting

Thursday February 5th 2004
Present: Adam Barnes, Mark Croasdale, Keith Hindley, Phil Hodson, Jimmy Hayhurst, Zaed Hussain, Rod Kenyon, Nigel Stockley.

The main points to arise from the meeting were:

Dinner tickets are selling but we need to have a better idea of numbers by next week.

More raffle prizes are needed.

Sponsorship letter has been done and Mark is getting copies of this and the Standing Order form.

Tickets will be priced at £3 for the Pre-season function on April 16th.

Phil has obtained a match sponsor for the Church game.

Several ball sponsors have been obtained.

Zed is working hard on the grants.

Next meeting Thursday February 12th 2004 at 7.45pm.

The Club