Accrington Cricket Club

Brian Rutter as Umpire in Lancashire League Matches (207)

Officials are not known for all matches on the database - if you can fill in any missing details please contact us
11th June 1983 Matthew Brown Lancashire League 1983  Lowerhouse v Church Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll16061
23rd July 1988 Matthew Brown Lancashire League 1988  Enfield v Rawtenstall Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll16993
13th May 1990 Matthew Brown Lancashire League 1990  Bacup v Colne Lanehead, Bacup ll17292
11th July 1993 Marsden Building Society Lancashire League 1993  Rishton v Haslingden Blackburn Road, Rishton ll17919
28th May 1994 Marsden Building Society Lancashire League 1994  Bacup v Church Lanehead, Bacup ll18034
13th August 1994 Marsden Building Society Lancashire League 1994  Colne v Church The Horsfield, Colne ll18125
20th August 1994 Marsden Building Society Lancashire League 1994  Lowerhouse v Church Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll18142
28th April 1996 Marsden Building Society Lancashire League 1996  Ramsbottom v Accrington Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom ll18367
27th May 1996 Marsden Building Society Lancashire League 1996  Ramsbottom v Enfield Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom ll18401
20th April 1997 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1997  Rawtenstall v Rishton The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll18543
17th August 1997 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1997  Todmorden v Haslingden Centre Vale, Todmorden ll18690
24th August 1997 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1997  Church v Accrington Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll18693
26th April 1998 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1998  Nelson v Rishton Seedhill, Nelson ll18736
9th May 1998 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1998  East Lancashire v Burnley Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll18757
24th May 1998 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1998  East Lancashire v Church Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll18770
7th June 1998 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1998  Rawtenstall v Bacup The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll18788
4th July 1998 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1998  Church v Colne Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll18813
8th August 1998 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1998  Todmorden v Church Centre Vale, Todmorden ll18858
30th August 1998 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1998  Rishton v East Lancashire Blackburn Road, Rishton ll18885
15th August 1999 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1999  East Lancashire v Burnley Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll19038
22nd August 1999 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1999  Haslingden v Rawtenstall Bentgate, Haslingden ll19051
28th August 1999 EW Cartons Lancashire League 1999  East Lancashire v Todmorden Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll19059
26th May 2001 Transco Lancashire League 2001  Enfield v Haslingden Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll19312
3rd June 2001 Transco Lancashire League 2001  Todmorden v Bacup Centre Vale, Todmorden ll19320
10th June 2001 Transco Lancashire League 2001  Colne v Nelson The Horsfield, Colne ll19323
23rd June 2001 Transco Lancashire League 2001  East Lancashire v Rawtenstall Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll19339
8th July 2001 Transco Lancashire League 2001  Burnley v Enfield Turf Moor, Burnley ll19357
15th July 2001 Transco Lancashire League 2001  Haslingden v Nelson Bentgate, Haslingden ll19374
29th July 2001 Transco Lancashire League 2001  Enfield v Nelson Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll19385
25th August 2001 Transco Lancashire League 2001  Enfield v Lowerhouse Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll19416
27th April 2002 Transco Lancashire League 2002  Burnley v Enfield Turf Moor, Burnley ll19455
2nd June 2002 Transco Lancashire League 2002  Haslingden v Rawtenstall Bentgate, Haslingden ll19491
22nd June 2002 Transco Lancashire League 2002  Rishton v Rawtenstall Blackburn Road, Rishton ll19515
30th June 2002 Transco Lancashire League 2002  Nelson v Haslingden Seedhill, Nelson ll19520
13th July 2002 Transco Lancashire League 2002  Bacup v Haslingden Lanehead, Bacup ll19538
27th July 2002 Transco Lancashire League 2002  East Lancashire v Rawtenstall Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll19563
24th August 2002 Transco Lancashire League 2002  Nelson v Rawtenstall Seedhill, Nelson ll19598
26th April 2003 Lancashire League 2003  Church v Nelson Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll19637
24th April 2004 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2004  Rishton v Rawtenstall Blackburn Road, Rishton ll19817
2nd May 2004 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2004  Rishton v Nelson Blackburn Road, Rishton ll19839
8th May 2004 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2004  Nelson v Haslingden Seedhill, Nelson ll19843
16th May 2004 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2004  Burnley v Colne Turf Moor, Burnley ll19849
23rd May 2004 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2004  Rawtenstall v East Lancashire The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll19864
30th May 2004 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2004  Nelson v Colne Seedhill, Nelson ll19878
29th August 2004 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2004  Rishton v Enfield Blackburn Road, Rishton ll19977
12th September 2004 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2004  Church v Rawtenstall Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll19987
23rd April 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Burnley v Bacup Turf Moor, Burnley ll19995
24th April 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Nelson v Rawtenstall Seedhill, Nelson ll20006
7th May 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Nelson v Rishton Seedhill, Nelson ll20019
8th May 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Haslingden v Nelson Bentgate, Haslingden ll20027
21st May 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  East Lancashire v Rawtenstall Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll20041
29th May 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Lowerhouse v Nelson Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll20046
25th June 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Enfield v Bacup Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll20063
10th July 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Church v Enfield Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20083
31st July 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Burnley v Enfield Turf Moor, Burnley ll20108
6th August 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Bacup v East Lancashire Lanehead, Bacup ll20114
20th August 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Todmorden v Rawtenstall Centre Vale, Todmorden ll20134
21st August 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  East Lancashire v Rishton Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll20138
27th August 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Rawtenstall v Nelson The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll20148
4th September 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Ramsbottom v Nelson Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom ll20161
11th September 2005 Musbury Fabrics Lancashire League 2005  Rishton v Rawtenstall Blackburn Road, Rishton ll20173
23rd April 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Lowerhouse v East Lancashire Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll20178
29th April 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Todmorden v Colne Centre Vale, Todmorden ll20188
6th May 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Haslingden v Rishton Bentgate, Haslingden ll20195
20th May 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Rawtenstall v Lowerhouse The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll20203
28th May 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Todmorden v East Lancashire Centre Vale, Todmorden ll20210
10th June 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Church v Bacup Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20219
11th June 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Bacup v Haslingden Lanehead, Bacup ll20224
8th July 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Colne v Church The Horsfield, Colne ll20252
9th July 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Colne v Enfield The Horsfield, Colne ll20260
23rd July 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Rishton v Burnley Blackburn Road, Rishton ll20286
5th August 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Lowerhouse v Nelson Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll20296
13th August 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Burnley v Ramsbottom Turf Moor, Burnley ll20303
19th August 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  East Lancashire v Lowerhouse Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll20311
26th August 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Bacup v Church Lanehead, Bacup ll20323
27th August 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Rawtenstall v Haslingden The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll20335
3rd September 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Haslingden v Church Bentgate, Haslingden ll20338
9th September 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Enfield v East Lancashire Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll20344
10th September 2006 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2006  Church v Lowerhouse Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20351
22nd April 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Burnley v Haslingden Turf Moor, Burnley ll20357
28th April 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Church v Nelson Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20365
29th April 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Haslingden v Church Bentgate, Haslingden ll20373
5th May 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Lowerhouse v Ramsbottom Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll20383
12th May 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Rawtenstall v Colne The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll20390
27th May 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  East Lancashire v Enfield Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll20403
10th June 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Nelson v Enfield Seedhill, Nelson ll20419
17th June 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Rishton v East Lancashire Blackburn Road, Rishton ll20432
8th July 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Ramsbottom v Rawtenstall Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom ll20434
14th July 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Rawtenstall v Haslingden The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll20441
21st July 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Todmorden v Lowerhouse Centre Vale, Todmorden ll20455
29th July 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Lowerhouse v Bacup Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll20465
4th August 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Burnley v Colne Turf Moor, Burnley ll20472
12th August 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Ramsbottom v Burnley Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom ll20480
25th August 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Ramsbottom v Todmorden Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom ll20503
26th August 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Todmorden v East Lancashire Centre Vale, Todmorden ll20511
1st September 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Rishton v Colne Blackburn Road, Rishton ll20517
2nd September 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Rawtenstall v Lowerhouse The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll20525
8th September 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Church v Todmorden Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20528
9th September 2007 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2007  Bacup v Enfield Lanehead, Bacup ll20533
26th April 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Church v East Lancashire Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20547
3rd May 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Ramsbottom v Nelson Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom ll20558
10th May 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Todmorden v Rishton Centre Vale, Todmorden ll20566
8th June 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Colne v Lowerhouse The Horsfield, Colne ll20584
14th June 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Lowerhouse v Enfield Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll20592
15th June 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Church v Bacup Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20597
28th June 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Lowerhouse v East Lancashire Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll20613
6th July 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Rishton v Haslingden Blackburn Road, Rishton ll20618
12th July 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Rawtenstall v East Lancashire The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll20623
13th July 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Haslingden v Rawtenstall Bentgate, Haslingden ll20628
19th July 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Burnley v Ramsbottom Turf Moor, Burnley ll20634
27th July 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Enfield v Colne Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll20649
10th August 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Todmorden v Church Centre Vale, Todmorden ll20666
16th August 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Church v Nelson Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20668
30th August 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Nelson v Todmorden Seedhill, Nelson ll20701
6th September 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  Colne v Burnley The Horsfield, Colne ll20709
7th September 2008 SponsorBank Lancashire League 2008  East Lancashire v Bacup Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll20716
26th April 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Nelson v Todmorden Seedhill, Nelson ll20727
2nd May 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Church v Colne Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20731
9th May 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Haslingden v Nelson Bentgate, Haslingden ll20746
10th May 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Burnley v Enfield Turf Moor, Burnley ll20749
16th May 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Rawtenstall v Church The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll20754
23rd May 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Church v Lowerhouse Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20757
31st May 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Todmorden v Enfield Centre Vale, Todmorden ll20769
7th June 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Ramsbottom v Nelson Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom ll20775
20th June 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Nelson v Colne Seedhill, Nelson ll20789
21st June 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Church v Rishton Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20792
28th June 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Nelson v Church Seedhill, Nelson ll20802
12th July 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Haslingden v Church Bentgate, Haslingden ll20814
19th July 2009 Lancashire League 2009  East Lancashire v Lowerhouse Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll20822
25th July 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Burnley v Colne Turf Moor, Burnley ll20828
2nd August 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Todmorden v Church Centre Vale, Todmorden ll20840
8th August 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Ramsbottom v Burnley Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom ll20844
22nd August 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Bacup v Enfield Lanehead, Bacup ll20856
23rd August 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Colne v Lowerhouse The Horsfield, Colne ll20863
29th August 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Rawtenstall v Colne The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll20869
30th August 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Enfield v Burnley Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll20874
6th September 2009 Lancashire League 2009  East Lancashire v Church Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll20886
12th September 2009 Lancashire League 2009  East Lancashire v Rishton Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll20892
13th September 2009 Lancashire League 2009  Rishton v Nelson Blackburn Road, Rishton ll20902
25th April 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Nelson v Ramsbottom Seedhill, Nelson ll20907
1st May 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Church v Rawtenstall Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll20912
2nd May 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Burnley v Haslingden Turf Moor, Burnley ll20917
8th May 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Lowerhouse v Rawtenstall Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll20929
22nd May 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Todmorden v Church Centre Vale, Todmorden ll20951
6th June 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Rishton v Rawtenstall Blackburn Road, Rishton ll20964
20th June 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Bacup v Nelson Lanehead, Bacup ll20974
24th July 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Haslingden v Todmorden Bentgate, Haslingden ll21012
1st August 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Lowerhouse v Rishton Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll21026
7th August 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Enfield v Colne Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll21030
15th August 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Colne v Church The Horsfield, Colne ll21039
28th August 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Lowerhouse v Bacup Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll21061
5th September 2010 Lancashire League 2010  East Lancashire v Church Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll21071
12th September 2010 Lancashire League 2010  Church v Ramsbottom Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll21081
24th April 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Burnley v Rawtenstall Turf Moor, Burnley ll21087
1st May 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Colne v Burnley The Horsfield, Colne ll21099
21st May 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Enfield v Bacup Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll21124
5th June 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Enfield v Rishton Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll21138
18th June 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Rishton v Church Blackburn Road, Rishton ll21146
19th June 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Burnley v Lowerhouse Turf Moor, Burnley ll21148
26th June 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Nelson v Church Seedhill, Nelson ll21159
16th July 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Bacup v Church Lanehead, Bacup ll21176
24th July 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Ramsbottom v Church Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom ll21188
14th August 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Enfield v Colne Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll21209
20th August 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Nelson v East Lancashire Seedhill, Nelson ll21217
28th August 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Enfield v Burnley Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll21237
3rd September 2011 Lancashire League 2011  Burnley v Bacup Turf Moor, Burnley ll21241
4th September 2011 Lancashire League 2011  East Lancashire v Church Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll21250
10th June 2012 Lancashire League 2012  East Lancashire v Ramsbottom Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll21318
1st July 2012 Lancashire League 2012  Haslingden v Rishton Bentgate, Haslingden ll21342
15th July 2012 Lancashire League 2012  Nelson v Bacup Seedhill, Nelson ll21359
22nd July 2012 Lancashire League 2012  Rawtenstall v East Lancashire The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll21375
29th July 2012 Lancashire League 2012  Nelson v Ramsbottom Seedhill, Nelson ll21387
11th August 2012 Lancashire League 2012  Todmorden v Haslingden Centre Vale, Todmorden ll21403
26th August 2012 Lancashire League 2012  Enfield v Nelson Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll21415
27th August 2012 Lancashire League 2012  Nelson v Burnley Seedhill, Nelson ll21422
1st September 2012 Lancashire League 2012  Rishton v Nelson Blackburn Road, Rishton ll21428
8th September 2012 Lancashire League 2012  Bacup v Todmorden Lanehead, Bacup ll21437
21st April 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Bacup v Nelson Lanehead, Bacup ll21450
4th May 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Lowerhouse v East Lancashire Liverpool Road, Lowerhouse ll21460
18th May 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Nelson v Rishton Seedhill, Nelson ll21478
1st June 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Nelson v Ramsbottom Seedhill, Nelson ll21491
9th June 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Rishton v Rawtenstall Blackburn Road, Rishton ll21505
6th July 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Burnley v Haslingden Turf Moor, Burnley ll21528
13th July 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Rawtenstall v Rishton The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll21546
20th July 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Colne v Rawtenstall The Horsfield, Colne ll21556
27th July 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Rawtenstall v Colne The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll21573
10th August 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Enfield v Ramsbottom Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll21591
24th August 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Rishton v East Lancashire Blackburn Road, Rishton ll21608
25th August 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Todmorden v East Lancashire Centre Vale, Todmorden ll21616
8th September 2013 Lancashire League 2013  Rawtenstall v Enfield The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll21629
27th April 2014 Lancashire League 2014  Enfield v Lowerhouse Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll21649
4th May 2014 Lancashire League 2014  Todmorden v Rawtenstall Centre Vale, Todmorden ll21658
17th May 2014 Lancashire League 2014  Haslingden v Nelson Bentgate, Haslingden ll21663
1st June 2014 Lancashire League 2014  East Lancashire v Todmorden Alexandra Meadows, Blackburn ll21683
8th June 2014 Lancashire League 2014  Bacup v Church Lanehead, Bacup ll21688
22nd June 2014 Lancashire League 2014  Todmorden v East Lancashire Centre Vale, Todmorden ll21707
20th July 2014 Lancashire League 2014  Bacup v Rawtenstall Lanehead, Bacup ll21737
9th August 2014 Lancashire League 2014  Colne v Church The Horsfield, Colne ll21764
23rd August 2014 Lancashire League 2014  Enfield v Burnley Dill Hall Lane, Enfield ll21781
24th August 2014 Lancashire League 2014  Rawtenstall v Colne The Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstall ll21790
7th September 2014 Lancashire League 2014  Bacup v East Lancashire Lanehead, Bacup ll21799
14th September 2014 Lancashire League 2014  Todmorden v Rishton Centre Vale, Todmorden ll21812
2nd May 2015 Lancashire League 2015  Church v Colne Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle ll21837
13th June 2015 Lancashire League 2015  Colne v Rishton The Horsfield, Colne ll21885
28th June 2015 Lancashire League 2015  Nelson v Ramsbottom Seedhill, Nelson ll21901
25th July 2015 Lancashire League 2015  Colne v East Lancashire The Horsfield, Colne ll21927
15th August 2015 Lancashire League 2015  Rishton v Colne Blackburn Road, Rishton ll21951
The Club

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