Accrington Cricket Club

Dick Barlow as Umpire in County Championship Matches (314)

(count excludes the abandoned match in which no play was possible)
Officials are not known for all matches on the database - if you can fill in any missing details please contact us
14th May 1894 County Championship 1894  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc268
14th June 1894 County Championship 1894  Gloucestershire v Somerset Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc286
23rd July 1894 County Championship 1894  Kent v Surrey Private Banks Sports Ground, Catford cc303
26th July 1894 County Championship 1894  Kent v Sussex Private Banks Sports Ground, Catford cc307
20th August 1894 County Championship 1894  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc327
27th August 1894 County Championship 1894  Sussex v Kent County Ground, Hove cc335
13th May 1895 County Championship 1895  Surrey v Essex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc339
16th May 1895 County Championship 1895  Surrey v Warwickshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc343
6th June 1895 County Championship 1895  Surrey v Gloucestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc363
10th June 1895 County Championship 1895  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc366
17th June 1895 County Championship 1895  Yorkshire v Surrey Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc376
24th June 1895 County Championship 1895  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc383
1st July 1895 County Championship 1895  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc391
18th July 1895 County Championship 1895  Yorkshire v Sussex Fartown, Huddersfield cc409
22nd July 1895 County Championship 1895  Warwickshire v Leicestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc413
29th July 1895 County Championship 1895  Derbyshire v Surrey County Ground, Derby cc418
15th August 1895 County Championship 1895  Yorkshire v Essex St George's Road, Harrogate cc447
19th August 1895 County Championship 1895  Yorkshire v Middlesex Headingley, Leeds cc452
26th August 1895 County Championship 1895  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc461
7th May 1896 County Championship 1896  Warwickshire v Yorkshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc472
14th May 1896 County Championship 1896  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc476
18th May 1896 County Championship 1896  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc479
25th May 1896 County Championship 1896  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc488
28th May 1896 County Championship 1896  Yorkshire v Kent Headingley, Leeds cc492
4th June 1896 County Championship 1896  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc497
15th June 1896 County Championship 1896  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Derby cc506
29th June 1896 County Championship 1896  Leicestershire v Derbyshire Grace Road, Leicester cc522
20th July 1896 County Championship 1896  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc540
23rd July 1896 County Championship 1896  Kent v Surrey Private Banks Sports Ground, Catford cc544
3rd August 1896 County Championship 1896  Somerset v Middlesex County Ground, Taunton cc559
6th August 1896 County Championship 1896  Somerset v Sussex County Ground, Taunton cc564
24th August 1896 County Championship 1896  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc586
27th August 1896 County Championship 1896  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc589
10th May 1897 County Championship 1897  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc596
13th May 1897 County Championship 1897  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc598
31st May 1897 County Championship 1897  Surrey v Gloucestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc615
3rd June 1897 County Championship 1897  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc618
7th June 1897 County Championship 1897  Middlesex v Somerset Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc622
21st June 1897 County Championship 1897  Yorkshire v Surrey Headingley, Leeds cc639
12th July 1897 County Championship 1897  Leicestershire v Warwickshire Grace Road, Leicester cc657
19th July 1897 County Championship 1897  Warwickshire v Gloucestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc666
22nd July 1897 County Championship 1897  Yorkshire v Essex Fartown, Huddersfield cc673
2nd August 1897 County Championship 1897  Somerset v Middlesex County Ground, Taunton cc684
5th August 1897 County Championship 1897  Somerset v Sussex County Ground, Taunton cc691
16th August 1897 County Championship 1897  Yorkshire v Middlesex Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc707
26th August 1897 County Championship 1897  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc721
30th August 1897 County Championship 1897  Warwickshire v Derbyshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc725
19th May 1898 County Championship 1898  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc732
23rd May 1898 County Championship 1898  Warwickshire v Surrey Edgbaston, Birmingham cc736a
30th May 1898 County Championship 1898  Middlesex v Somerset Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc743
2nd June 1898 County Championship 1898  Warwickshire v Kent Edgbaston, Birmingham cc752
13th June 1898 County Championship 1898  Yorkshire v Kent Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc761
16th June 1898 County Championship 1898  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc764
23rd June 1898 County Championship 1898  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Grace Road, Leicester cc774
21st July 1898 County Championship 1898  Yorkshire v Somerset North Marine Road, Scarborough cc805
25th July 1898 County Championship 1898  Derbyshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Derby cc806
15th August 1898 County Championship 1898  Gloucestershire v Essex Clifton College Close Ground, Clifton cc840
18th August 1898 County Championship 1898  Somerset v Gloucestershire County Ground, Taunton cc848
4th May 1899 County Championship 1899  Worcestershire v Yorkshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc865
18th May 1899 County Championship 1899  Essex v Sussex County Ground, Leyton cc876
22nd May 1899 County Championship 1899  Middlesex v Somerset Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc880
8th June 1899 County Championship 1899  Yorkshire v Derbyshire Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc904
19th June 1899 County Championship 1899  Yorkshire v Surrey Headingley, Leeds cc917
22nd June 1899 County Championship 1899  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc919
10th July 1899 County Championship 1899  Yorkshire v Somerset The Circle, Hull cc936
20th July 1899 County Championship 1899  Yorkshire v Middlesex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc948
7th August 1899 County Championship 1899  Somerset v Middlesex County Ground, Taunton cc972
10th August 1899 County Championship 1899  Somerset v Sussex County Ground, Taunton cc978
28th August 1899 County Championship 1899  Warwickshire v Derbyshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc1005
31st August 1899 County Championship 1899  Surrey v Hampshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1008
7th May 1900 County Championship 1900  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc1013
10th May 1900 County Championship 1900  Warwickshire v Leicestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc1017
24th May 1900 County Championship 1900  Surrey v Essex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1032
28th May 1900 County Championship 1900  Surrey v Sussex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1038
11th June 1900 County Championship 1900  Surrey v Somerset Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1060
14th June 1900 County Championship 1900  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc1064
28th June 1900 County Championship 1900  Yorkshire v Somerset Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc1084
19th July 1900 County Championship 1900  Middlesex v Leicestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc1107
23rd July 1900 County Championship 1900  Hampshire v Somerset County Ground, Southampton cc1110
30th July 1900 County Championship 1900  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1123
2nd August 1900 County Championship 1900  Hampshire v Kent County Ground, Southampton cc1125
6th August 1900 County Championship 1900  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1136
9th August 1900 County Championship 1900  Warwickshire v Yorkshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc1143
13th August 1900 County Championship 1900  Gloucestershire v Kent Clifton College Close Ground, Clifton cc1146
16th August 1900 County Championship 1900  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire College Ground, Cheltenham cc1151
20th August 1900 County Championship 1900  Gloucestershire v Essex College Ground, Cheltenham cc1157
20th May 1901 County Championship 1901  Sussex v Worcestershire County Ground, Hove cc1190
27th May 1901 County Championship 1901  Hampshire v Derbyshire County Ground, Southampton cc1196
30th May 1901 County Championship 1901  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc1205
3rd June 1901 County Championship 1901  Kent v Gloucestershire Bat and Ball Ground, Gravesend cc1209
6th June 1901 County Championship 1901  Essex v Warwickshire County Ground, Leyton cc1213
10th June 1901 County Championship 1901  Essex v Derbyshire County Ground, Leyton cc1218
17th June 1901 County Championship 1901  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc1232
27th June 1901 County Championship 1901  Kent v Worcestershire Mote Park, Maidstone cc1245
1st July 1901 County Championship 1901  Hampshire v Worcestershire County Ground, Southampton cc1248
15th July 1901 County Championship 1901  Leicestershire v Hampshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc1261
18th July 1901 County Championship 1901  Derbyshire v Leicestershire North Road, Glossop cc1266
29th July 1901 County Championship 1901  Warwickshire v Surrey Edgbaston, Birmingham cc1283
5th August 1901 County Championship 1901  Derbyshire v Hampshire County Ground, Derby cc1288
8th August 1901 County Championship 1901  Leicestershire v Warwickshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc1299
12th August 1901 County Championship 1901  Surrey v Essex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1304
15th August 1901 County Championship 1901  Essex v Yorkshire County Ground, Leyton cc1307
22nd August 1901 County Championship 1901  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc1325
12th May 1902 County Championship 1902  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc1341
15th May 1902 County Championship 1902  Surrey v Gloucestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1346
19th May 1902 County Championship 1902  Sussex v Gloucestershire County Ground, Hove cc1352
22nd May 1902 County Championship 1902  Sussex v Somerset County Ground, Hove cc1358
5th June 1902 County Championship 1902  Essex v Warwickshire County Ground, Leyton cc1374
12th June 1902 County Championship 1902  Hampshire v Leicestershire County Ground, Southampton cc1385
16th June 1902 County Championship 1902  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc1391
10th July 1902 County Championship 1902  Leicestershire v Derbyshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc1416
17th July 1902 County Championship 1902  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc1425
28th July 1902 County Championship 1902  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc1442
4th August 1902 County Championship 1902  Warwickshire v Worcestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc1452
11th August 1902 County Championship 1902  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1459
14th August 1902 County Championship 1902  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1465
18th August 1902 County Championship 1902  Leicestershire v Hampshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc1471
28th August 1902 County Championship 1902  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1486
1st September 1902 County Championship 1902  Surrey v Leicestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1489
18th May 1903 County Championship 1903  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc1503
21st May 1903 County Championship 1903  Kent v Nottinghamshire Private Banks Sports Ground, Catford cc1505
25th May 1903 County Championship 1903  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc1511
1st June 1903 County Championship 1903  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1519
8th June 1903 County Championship 1903  Yorkshire v Sussex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc1530
25th June 1903 County Championship 1903  Derbyshire v Leicestershire County Ground, Derby cc1547
6th July 1903 County Championship 1903  Leicestershire v Derbyshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc1560
13th July 1903 County Championship 1903  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc1566
23rd July 1903 County Championship 1903  Kent v Somerset Bat and Ball Ground, Gravesend cc1583
27th July 1903 County Championship 1903  Kent v Surrey Mote Park, Maidstone cc1588
30th July 1903 County Championship 1903  Surrey v Yorkshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1593
3rd August 1903 County Championship 1903  Gloucestershire v Sussex Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc1596
6th August 1903 County Championship 1903  Gloucestershire v Middlesex Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc1603
10th August 1903 County Championship 1903  Worcestershire v Leicestershire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc1612
13th August 1903 County Championship 1903  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1617
17th August 1903 County Championship 1903  Yorkshire v Essex Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc1625
12th May 1904 County Championship 1904  Warwickshire v Leicestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc1647
23rd May 1904 County Championship 1904  Middlesex v Somerset Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc1658
30th May 1904 County Championship 1904  Surrey v Gloucestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1669
2nd June 1904 County Championship 1904  Somerset v Gloucestershire Recreation Ground, Bath cc1676
6th June 1904 County Championship 1904  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Spa Ground, Gloucester cc1677
16th June 1904 County Championship 1904  Worcestershire v Yorkshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc1696
20th June 1904 County Championship 1904  Worcestershire v Somerset County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc1700
27th June 1904 County Championship 1904  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc1705
30th June 1904 County Championship 1904  Sussex v Leicestershire County Ground, Hove cc1712
18th July 1904 County Championship 1904  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1730
21st July 1904 County Championship 1904  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc1735
28th July 1904 County Championship 1904  Somerset v Sussex Recreation Ground, Bath cc1748
1st August 1904 County Championship 1904  Somerset v Middlesex County Ground, Taunton cc1752
11th August 1904 County Championship 1904  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1770
15th August 1904 County Championship 1904  Worcestershire v Kent County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc1776
25th August 1904 County Championship 1904  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc1792
8th May 1905 County Championship 1905  Surrey v Hampshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1802
22nd May 1905 County Championship 1905  Sussex v Leicestershire County Ground, Hove cc1821
25th May 1905 County Championship 1905  Essex v Leicestershire County Ground, Leyton cc1822
1st June 1905 County Championship 1905  Somerset v Gloucestershire Recreation Ground, Bath cc1832
1st June 1905 County Championship 1905  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc1831
5th June 1905 County Championship 1905  Somerset v Hampshire Recreation Ground, Bath cc1837
12th June 1905 County Championship 1905  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1844
19th June 1905 County Championship 1905  Northamptonshire v Derbyshire County Ground, Northampton cc1854
26th June 1905 County Championship 1905  Derbyshire v Essex North Road, Glossop cc1861
29th June 1905 County Championship 1905  Worcestershire v Somerset County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc1870
3rd July 1905 County Championship 1905  Gloucestershire v Worcestershire Spa Ground, Gloucester cc1873
6th July 1905 County Championship 1905  Gloucestershire v Kent Spa Ground, Gloucester cc1877
13th July 1905 County Championship 1905  Surrey v Worcestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1887
20th July 1905 County Championship 1905  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1897
27th July 1905 County Championship 1905  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1909
31st July 1905 County Championship 1905  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc1916
7th August 1905 County Championship 1905  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1927
10th August 1905 County Championship 1905  Essex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Leyton cc1930
17th August 1905 County Championship 1905  Warwickshire v Surrey Edgbaston, Birmingham cc1945
10th May 1906 County Championship 1906  Worcestershire v Northamptonshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc1973
17th May 1906 County Championship 1906  Hampshire v Surrey Officers Club Services Ground, Aldershot cc1975
21st May 1906 County Championship 1906  Hampshire v Warwickshire May's Bounty, Basingstoke cc1981
4th June 1906 County Championship 1906  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc2002
7th June 1906 County Championship 1906  Derbyshire v Yorkshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc2006
18th June 1906 County Championship 1906  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc2027
21st June 1906 County Championship 1906  Warwickshire v Northamptonshire Bulls Head Ground, Coventry cc2034
25th June 1906 County Championship 1906  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Derby cc2035
28th June 1906 County Championship 1906  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove cc2043
2nd July 1906 County Championship 1906  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc2045
5th July 1906 County Championship 1906  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc2055
16th July 1906 County Championship 1906  Yorkshire v Derbyshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc2067
23rd July 1906 County Championship 1906  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc2076
26th July 1906 County Championship 1906  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc2084
6th August 1906 County Championship 1906  Derbyshire v Hampshire County Ground, Derby cc2094
16th August 1906 County Championship 1906  Hampshire v Worcestershire United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc2113
20th August 1906 County Championship 1906  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc2122
13th May 1907 County Championship 1907  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc2148
20th May 1907 County Championship 1907  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc2159
23rd May 1907 County Championship 1907  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc2163
27th May 1907 County Championship 1907  Yorkshire v Hampshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc2171
3rd June 1907 County Championship 1907  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc2177
10th June 1907 County Championship 1907  Leicestershire v Kent Aylestone Road, Leicester cc2188
13th June 1907 County Championship 1907  Gloucestershire v Worcestershire Spa Ground, Gloucester cc2193
20th June 1907 County Championship 1907  Worcestershire v Somerset County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc2205
27th June 1907 County Championship 1907  Essex v Kent County Ground, Leyton cc2211
11th July 1907 County Championship 1907  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc2229
18th July 1907 County Championship 1907  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire St George's Road, Harrogate cc2240
5th August 1907 County Championship 1907  Warwickshire v Worcestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc2273
8th August 1907 County Championship 1907  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc2280
12th August 1907 County Championship 1907  Gloucestershire v Kent College Ground, Cheltenham cc2283
12th August 1907 County Championship 1907  Hampshire v Leicestershire County Ground, Southampton cc2284
15th August 1907 County Championship 1907  Gloucestershire v Hampshire College Ground, Cheltenham cc2289
19th August 1907 County Championship 1907  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc2297
2nd September 1907 County Championship 1907  Surrey v Leicestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc2315
14th May 1908 County Championship 1908  Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Northampton cc2323
18th May 1908 County Championship 1908  Derbyshire v Sussex County Ground, Derby cc2326
4th June 1908 County Championship 1908  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc2351
8th June 1908 County Championship 1908  Middlesex v Somerset Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc2356
15th June 1908 County Championship 1908  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Fartown, Huddersfield cc2373
22nd June 1908 County Championship 1908  Surrey v Worcestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc2384
29th June 1908 County Championship 1908  Derbyshire v Essex Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc2392
20th July 1908 County Championship 1908  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc2427
27th July 1908 County Championship 1908  Gloucestershire v Kent Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc2434
30th July 1908 County Championship 1908  Gloucestershire v Middlesex Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc2441
3rd August 1908 County Championship 1908  Somerset v Middlesex County Ground, Taunton cc2449
6th August 1908 County Championship 1908  Essex v Sussex County Ground, Leyton cc2452
10th August 1908 County Championship 1908  Yorkshire v Middlesex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc2464
17th August 1908 County Championship 1908  Sussex v Warwickshire County Ground, Hove cc2477
20th August 1908 County Championship 1908  Hampshire v Warwickshire United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc2481
27th August 1908 County Championship 1908  Derbyshire v Northamptonshire County Ground, Derby cc2490
9th May 1910 County Championship 1910  Derbyshire v Sussex County Ground, Derby cc2676
23rd May 1910 County Championship 1910  Warwickshire v Sussex Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa cc2694
30th May 1910 County Championship 1910  Surrey v Gloucestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc2702
2nd June 1910 County Championship 1910  Essex v Surrey County Ground, Leyton cc2707
6th June 1910 County Championship 1910  Yorkshire v Kent Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc2716
13th June 1910 County Championship 1910  Kent v Sussex Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc2725
16th June 1910 County Championship 1910  Kent v Leicestershire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc2730
20th June 1910 County Championship 1910  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc2737
4th July 1910 County Championship 1910  Yorkshire v Surrey Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc2761
11th July 1910 County Championship 1910  Warwickshire v Hampshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc2768
14th July 1910 County Championship 1910  Northamptonshire v Gloucestershire County Ground, Northampton cc2770
1st August 1910 County Championship 1910  Gloucestershire v Somerset Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc2798
4th August 1910 County Championship 1910  Worcestershire v Yorkshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc2811
8th August 1910 County Championship 1910  Somerset v Kent County Ground, Taunton cc2816
22nd August 1910 County Championship 1910  Gloucestershire v Northamptonshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc2837
25th August 1910 County Championship 1910  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc2844
29th August 1910 County Championship 1910  Somerset v Yorkshire County Ground, Taunton cc2852
15th May 1911 County Championship 1911  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc2862
20th May 1911 County Championship 1911  Northamptonshire v Gloucestershire County Ground, Northampton cc2868
29th May 1911 County Championship 1911  Surrey v Gloucestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc2883
1st June 1911 County Championship 1911  Surrey v Sussex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc2889
5th June 1911 County Championship 1911  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc2894
19th June 1911 County Championship 1911  Yorkshire v Kent Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc2920
22nd June 1911 County Championship 1911  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc2924
26th June 1911 County Championship 1911  Derbyshire v Hampshire County Ground, Derby cc2929
3rd July 1911 County Championship 1911  Warwickshire v Surrey Edgbaston, Birmingham cc2942
6th July 1911 County Championship 1911  Worcestershire v Leicestershire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc2945
10th July 1911 County Championship 1911  Leicestershire v Hampshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc2947
13th July 1911 County Championship 1911  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc2951
17th July 1911 County Championship 1911  Yorkshire v Essex Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc2960
22nd July 1911 County Championship 1911  Warwickshire v Gloucestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc2967
7th August 1911 County Championship 1911  Derbyshire v Essex County Ground, Derby cc2987
14th August 1911 County Championship 1911  Leicestershire v Surrey Aylestone Road, Leicester cc3004
27th May 1912 County Championship 1912  Middlesex v Sussex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc3059
3rd June 1912 County Championship 1912  Derbyshire v Sussex County Ground, Derby cc3071
13th June 1912 County Championship 1912  Derbyshire v Hampshire County Ground, Derby cc3084
17th June 1912 County Championship 1912  Northamptonshire v Essex County Ground, Northampton cc3092
20th June 1912 County Championship 1912  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc3097
15th July 1912 County Championship 1912  Derbyshire v Somerset County Ground, Derby cc3128
29th July 1912 County Championship 1912  Worcestershire v Middlesex County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc3150
1st August 1912 County Championship 1912  Somerset v Sussex County Ground, Taunton cc3154
5th August 1912 County Championship 1912  Gloucestershire v Somerset Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc3158
8th August 1912 County Championship 1912  Somerset v Worcestershire County Ground, Taunton cc3169
12th August 1912 County Championship 1912  Gloucestershire v Kent College Ground, Cheltenham cc3172
15th August 1912 County Championship 1912  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire St George's Road, Harrogate cc3179
22nd August 1912 County Championship 1912  Leicestershire v Warwickshire Ashby Road, Hinckley cc3187
26th August 1912 County Championship 1912  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Miners Welfare Ground, Blackwell cc3191
29th August 1912 County Championship 1912  Surrey v Essex Kennington Oval, Kennington cc3200
12th May 1913 County Championship 1913  Worcestershire v Warwickshire Tipton Road, Dudley cc3211
22nd May 1913 County Championship 1913  Worcestershire v Yorkshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc3226
29th May 1913 County Championship 1913  Gloucestershire v Sussex Spa Ground, Gloucester cc3233
6th June 1913 County Championship 1913  Middlesex v Surrey Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc3247
12th June 1913 County Championship 1913  Essex v Yorkshire County Ground, Leyton cc3255
23rd June 1913 County Championship 1913  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3275
7th July 1913 County Championship 1913  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Headingley, Leeds cc3298
10th July 1913 County Championship 1913  Northamptonshire v Somerset County Ground, Northampton cc3301
14th July 1913 County Championship 1913  Northamptonshire v Sussex County Ground, Northampton cc3306
17th July 1913 County Championship 1913  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc3310
21st July 1913 County Championship 1913  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3316
24th July 1913 County Championship 1913  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc3321
28th July 1913 County Championship 1913  Yorkshire v Surrey The Circle, Hull cc3328
4th August 1913 County Championship 1913  Derbyshire v Essex County Ground, Derby cc3332
7th August 1913 County Championship 1913  Warwickshire v Yorkshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc3346
11th August 1913 County Championship 1913  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc3349
14th August 1913 County Championship 1913  Worcestershire v Leicestershire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc3358
18th August 1913 County Championship 1913  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc3362
1st June 1914 County Championship 1914  Leicestershire v Northamptonshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc3418
4th June 1914 County Championship 1914  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc3426
8th June 1914 County Championship 1914  Gloucestershire v Northamptonshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc3431
11th June 1914 County Championship 1914  Somerset v Hampshire Recreation Ground, Bath cc3439
22nd June 1914 County Championship 1914  Sussex v Hampshire Cricket Field Road, Horsham cc3455
29th June 1914 County Championship 1914  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc3465
6th July 1914 County Championship 1914  Warwickshire v Hampshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc3476
9th July 1914 County Championship 1914  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Fartown, Huddersfield cc3483
20th July 1914 County Championship 1914  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Headingley, Leeds cc3499
23rd July 1914 County Championship 1914  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc3504
27th July 1914 County Championship 1914  Yorkshire v Somerset Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3511
30th July 1914 County Championship 1914  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire St George's Road, Harrogate cc3517
3rd August 1914 County Championship 1914  Northamptonshire v Leicestershire County Ground, Northampton cc3523
6th August 1914 County Championship 1914  Leicestershire v Derbyshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc3528
10th August 1914 County Championship 1914  Derbyshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Derby cc3533
13th August 1914 County Championship 1914  Derbyshire v Hampshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc3540
17th August 1914 County Championship 1914  Yorkshire v Sussex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc3552
27th August 1914 County Championship 1914  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc3564
31st August 1914 County Championship 1914  Surrey v Gloucestershire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc3572
20th June 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Derbyshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc3608
27th June 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3612
30th June 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Kent Headingley, Leeds cc3615
2nd July 1919 County Championship 1919  Derbyshire v Yorkshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc3616
11th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Hampshire Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc3627
14th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3628
18th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Leicestershire Fartown, Huddersfield cc3635
21st July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Surrey Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc3637
25th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Headingley, Leeds cc3645
The Club

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