Accrington Cricket Club

County Championship Matches played by Abe Waddington (231)

2nd July 1919 County Championship 1919  Derbyshire v Yorkshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc3616
7th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Essex The Circle, Hull cc3620
11th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Hampshire Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc3627
14th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3628
18th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Leicestershire Fartown, Huddersfield cc3635
21st July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Surrey Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc3637
23rd July 1919 County Championship 1919  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Northampton cc3639
25th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Headingley, Leeds cc3645
1st August 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Sussex St George's Road, Harrogate cc3649
4th August 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Lancashire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3656
8th August 1919 County Championship 1919  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc3660
11th August 1919 County Championship 1919  Surrey v Yorkshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc3668
15th August 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Middlesex Headingley, Leeds cc3678
18th August 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc3681
21st August 1919 County Championship 1919  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc3684
25th August 1919 County Championship 1919  Kent v Yorkshire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc3690
27th August 1919 County Championship 1919  Hampshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Southampton cc3692
29th August 1919 County Championship 1919  Sussex v Yorkshire County Ground, Hove cc3696
15th May 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Derbyshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3709
22nd May 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Lancashire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc3718
26th May 1920 County Championship 1920  Warwickshire v Yorkshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc3725
29th May 1920 County Championship 1920  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Spa Ground, Gloucester cc3726
2nd June 1920 County Championship 1920  Worcestershire v Yorkshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc3735
5th June 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Headingley, Leeds cc3742
12th June 1920 County Championship 1920  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc3752
16th June 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Essex Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc3758
19th June 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Surrey Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3765
23rd June 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Leicestershire The Circle, Hull cc3771
26th June 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Hampshire Headingley, Leeds cc3777
3rd July 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Kent Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3782
7th July 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc3788
10th July 1920 County Championship 1920  Derbyshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Derby cc3789
14th July 1920 County Championship 1920  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Northampton cc3795
17th July 1920 County Championship 1920  Kent v Yorkshire Mote Park, Maidstone cc3800
21st July 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Fartown, Huddersfield cc3810
24th July 1920 County Championship 1920  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc3817
28th July 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Warwickshire St George's Road, Harrogate cc3822
31st July 1920 County Championship 1920  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc3825
4th August 1920 County Championship 1920  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc3834
7th August 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3842
11th August 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Sussex Headingley, Leeds cc3847
14th August 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Middlesex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc3854
18th August 1920 County Championship 1920  Essex v Yorkshire Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc3855
21st August 1920 County Championship 1920  Surrey v Yorkshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc3863
25th August 1920 County Championship 1920  Sussex v Yorkshire County Ground, Hove cc3872
7th May 1921 County Championship 1921  Hampshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Southampton cc3883
14th May 1921 County Championship 1921  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc3891
18th May 1921 County Championship 1921  Warwickshire v Yorkshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc3902
21st May 1921 County Championship 1921  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Spa Ground, Gloucester cc3905
28th May 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Hampshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc3920
1st June 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Derbyshire The Circle, Hull cc3927
4th June 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Kent Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc3933
8th June 1921 County Championship 1921  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc3937
11th June 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Leicestershire Headingley, Leeds cc3945
25th June 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Surrey Headingley, Leeds cc3969
29th June 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc3975
6th July 1921 County Championship 1921  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Northampton cc3984
9th July 1921 County Championship 1921  Kent v Yorkshire The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc3989
13th July 1921 County Championship 1921  Derbyshire v Yorkshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc3994
16th July 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Sussex Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc4006
23rd July 1921 County Championship 1921  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc4018
27th July 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire St George's Road, Harrogate cc4024
30th July 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Lancashire Headingley, Leeds cc4031
3rd August 1921 County Championship 1921  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc4035
10th August 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Middlesex Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4053
13th August 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Essex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4061
20th August 1921 County Championship 1921  Surrey v Yorkshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc4073
24th August 1921 County Championship 1921  Essex v Yorkshire County Ground, Leyton cc4075
6th May 1922 County Championship 1922  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Northampton cc4092
10th May 1922 County Championship 1922  Glamorgan v Yorkshire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc4094
13th May 1922 County Championship 1922  Worcestershire v Yorkshire Tipton Road, Dudley cc4104
17th May 1922 County Championship 1922  Derbyshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Derby cc4105
20th May 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Headingley, Leeds cc4118
27th May 1922 County Championship 1922  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc4129
3rd June 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Lancashire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4144
7th June 1922 County Championship 1922  Warwickshire v Yorkshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc4150
10th June 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Surrey Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4159
14th June 1922 County Championship 1922  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc4163
17th June 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4173
21st June 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Fartown, Huddersfield cc4180
24th June 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Kent Headingley, Leeds cc4187
1st July 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Glamorgan Headingley, Leeds cc4199
5th July 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Derbyshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4204
8th July 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Sussex The Circle, Hull cc4209
12th July 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4215
15th July 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Essex St George's Road, Harrogate cc4223
19th July 1922 County Championship 1922  Kent v Yorkshire Mote Park, Maidstone cc4225
22nd July 1922 County Championship 1922  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc4235
26th July 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc4243
29th July 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Leicestershire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4251
5th August 1922 County Championship 1922  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc4259
9th August 1922 County Championship 1922  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Fry's Ground, Bristol cc4266
12th August 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Hampshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4278
16th August 1922 County Championship 1922  Yorkshire v Middlesex Headingley, Leeds cc4285
19th August 1922 County Championship 1922  Surrey v Yorkshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc4291
23rd August 1922 County Championship 1922  Hampshire v Yorkshire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc4295
26th August 1922 County Championship 1922  Sussex v Yorkshire County Ground, Hove cc4304
30th August 1922 County Championship 1922  Essex v Yorkshire County Ground, Leyton cc4306
5th May 1923 County Championship 1923  Glamorgan v Yorkshire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc4312
9th May 1923 County Championship 1923  Worcestershire v Yorkshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc4319
12th May 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Middlesex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4326
19th May 1923 County Championship 1923  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc4332
23rd May 1923 County Championship 1923  Warwickshire v Yorkshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc4343
26th May 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Kent Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4351
30th May 1923 County Championship 1923  Derbyshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Derby cc4352
2nd June 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Headingley, Leeds cc4365
9th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc4376
13th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Northampton cc4383
16th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Surrey Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4396
20th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Kent v Yorkshire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc4397
23rd June 1923 County Championship 1923  Essex v Yorkshire County Ground, Leyton cc4403
27th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4411
30th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Sussex Headingley, Leeds cc4419
4th July 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Warwickshire The Circle, Hull cc4426
7th July 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Somerset The Circle, Hull cc4433
14th July 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Essex Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc4444
18th July 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Leicestershire Fartown, Huddersfield cc4448
4th August 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Lancashire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4481
7th May 1924 County Championship 1924  Glamorgan v Yorkshire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc4537
10th May 1924 County Championship 1924  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Wagon Works Ground, Gloucester cc4540
17th May 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Surrey Headingley, Leeds cc4556
21st May 1924 County Championship 1924  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Northampton cc4560
24th May 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4569
28th May 1924 County Championship 1924  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc4574
31st May 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Kent The Circle, Hull cc4581
7th June 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Lancashire Headingley, Leeds cc4594
11th June 1924 County Championship 1924  Warwickshire v Yorkshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc4598
14th June 1924 County Championship 1924  Derbyshire v Yorkshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc4600
18th June 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Somerset Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc4614
21st June 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Sussex Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4620
28th June 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Essex The Circle, Hull cc4633
5th July 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Middlesex Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4644
9th July 1924 County Championship 1924  Essex v Yorkshire Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc4645
16th July 1924 County Championship 1924  Somerset v Yorkshire Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare cc4661
19th July 1924 County Championship 1924  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc4668
23rd July 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Glamorgan Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4676
26th July 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Headingley, Leeds cc4682
30th July 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Derbyshire Fartown, Huddersfield cc4687
2nd August 1924 County Championship 1924  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc4690
6th August 1924 County Championship 1924  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc4699
9th August 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4709
13th August 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc4716
16th August 1924 County Championship 1924  Yorkshire v Leicestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4723
23rd August 1924 County Championship 1924  Surrey v Yorkshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc4736
6th May 1925 County Championship 1925  Glamorgan v Yorkshire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc4750
9th May 1925 County Championship 1925  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Greenbank, Bristol cc4753
13th May 1925 County Championship 1925  Worcestershire v Yorkshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc4764
16th May 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4772
20th May 1925 County Championship 1925  Derbyshire v Yorkshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc4773
23rd May 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Kent Headingley, Leeds cc4784
30th May 1925 County Championship 1925  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc4792
3rd June 1925 County Championship 1925  Warwickshire v Yorkshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc4803
6th June 1925 County Championship 1925  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc4808
10th June 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4817
13th June 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4825
17th June 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Glamorgan Fartown, Huddersfield cc4831
20th June 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Leicestershire The Circle, Hull cc4838
24th June 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Hampshire The Circle, Hull cc4843
27th June 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Surrey Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4850
1st July 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Derbyshire Headingley, Leeds cc4857
4th July 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Somerset St George's Road, Harrogate cc4865
8th July 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Worcestershire St George's Road, Harrogate cc4870
11th July 1925 County Championship 1925  Kent v Yorkshire Mote Park, Maidstone cc4872
15th July 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Essex Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4884
18th July 1925 County Championship 1925  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc4889
22nd July 1925 County Championship 1925  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire Town Ground, Kettering cc4896
25th July 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Middlesex Headingley, Leeds cc4906
1st August 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Lancashire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc4920
5th August 1925 County Championship 1925  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc4924
8th August 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc4934
12th August 1925 County Championship 1925  Essex v Yorkshire County Ground, Leyton cc4936
15th August 1925 County Championship 1925  Yorkshire v Sussex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc4949
19th August 1925 County Championship 1925  Hampshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Southampton cc4951
22nd August 1925 County Championship 1925  Surrey v Yorkshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc4962
29th August 1925 County Championship 1925  Sussex v Yorkshire County Ground, Hove cc4975
2nd September 1925 County Championship 1925  Somerset v Yorkshire County Ground, Taunton cc4977
1st May 1926 County Championship 1926  Essex v Yorkshire County Ground, Leyton cc4978
8th May 1926 County Championship 1926  Derbyshire v Yorkshire Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc4984
12th May 1926 County Championship 1926  Worcestershire v Yorkshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc4996
15th May 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Leicestershire Headingley, Leeds cc5003
19th May 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Essex St George's Road, Harrogate cc5009
22nd May 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Lancashire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc5017
26th May 1926 County Championship 1926  Warwickshire v Yorkshire Edgbaston, Birmingham cc5023
29th May 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Kent Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc5031
2nd June 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Somerset Fartown, Huddersfield cc5036
9th June 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Glamorgan The Circle, Hull cc5048
19th June 1926 County Championship 1926  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc5063
26th June 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Surrey Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc5079
3rd July 1926 County Championship 1926  Kent v Yorkshire The Rectory Field, Blackheath cc5088
7th July 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Sussex Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc5097
10th July 1926 County Championship 1926  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Northampton cc5103
14th July 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Derbyshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc5111
17th July 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Middlesex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc5119
21st July 1926 County Championship 1926  Hampshire v Yorkshire Dean Park, Bournemouth cc5122
24th July 1926 County Championship 1926  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc5132
28th July 1926 County Championship 1926  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Fry's Ground, Bristol cc5139
31st July 1926 County Championship 1926  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc5146
4th August 1926 County Championship 1926  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc5155
7th August 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc5166
11th August 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Headingley, Leeds cc5173
14th August 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc5181
18th August 1926 County Championship 1926  Yorkshire v Hampshire St George's Road, Harrogate cc5188
21st August 1926 County Championship 1926  Surrey v Yorkshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc5194
25th August 1926 County Championship 1926  Sussex v Yorkshire County Ground, Hove cc5200
28th August 1926 County Championship 1926  Glamorgan v Yorkshire St Helen's, Swansea cc5202
1st September 1926 County Championship 1926  Somerset v Yorkshire County Ground, Taunton cc5210
7th May 1927 County Championship 1927  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Wagon Works Ground, Gloucester cc5215
11th May 1927 County Championship 1927  Glamorgan v Yorkshire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff cc5220
14th May 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc5233
18th May 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Headingley, Leeds cc5239
21st May 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Warwickshire The Circle, Hull cc5247
25th May 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Hampshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc5253
28th May 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Surrey Headingley, Leeds cc5261
1st June 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Fartown, Huddersfield cc5267
4th June 1927 County Championship 1927  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc5270
11th June 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Sussex Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc5289
15th June 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Somerset Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc5295
18th June 1927 County Championship 1927  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc5300
22nd June 1927 County Championship 1927  Hampshire v Yorkshire United Services Ground, Portsmouth cc5305
25th June 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Yorkshire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc5311
6th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Glamorgan St George's Road, Harrogate cc5335
9th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc5343
13th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Essex Headingley, Leeds cc5350
16th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Middlesex Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc5358
20th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Worcestershire v Yorkshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc5365
23rd July 1927 County Championship 1927  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc5371
27th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Northampton cc5375
3rd August 1927 County Championship 1927  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Aylestone Road, Leicester cc5392
6th August 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Leicestershire Bramall Lane, Sheffield cc5403
10th August 1927 County Championship 1927  Yorkshire v Derbyshire The Circle, Hull cc5410
20th August 1927 County Championship 1927  Surrey v Yorkshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc5429
The Club

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